At Woods & Matlock, P.C., we offer professional legal services by experienced lawyers who understand the intricacies of Texas family law. All our lawyers are board certified and have the expertise to handle even the most challenging cases.
The Divorce and Family Law Attorneys Frisco TX Couples Trust
The divorce process can be complicated and extremely stressful, and while every case is unique, an experienced legal team can help you through this emotionally trying time. In a divorce, numerous issues often must be resolved, such as division of property, child custody (conservator ship), determination of marital and pre-marital property, alimony, spousal support and child support. Without expert legal representation, your case might not be settled in a manner that is in your best interests.
Child Custody and Child Support
A big part of any family law practice is handling child custody and child support issues. In Texas, child custody is referred to as conservator ship. Generally, if there are no reasons that would indicate otherwise, Texas courts will assume that conservator ship should be shared between both parents. However, in some cases, one parent might be appointed as a sole managing conservator.
It’s important to have trusted legal advice when decisions regarding the custody of your child or children are at stake. Likewise, the determination of child support will have a big impact on your child’s life and the experienced team at Woods & Matlock, P.C. can help make sure that your case is handled with this in mind.
Spousal Maintenance
Another important factor with divorce and family law cases is spousal maintenance. Oftentimes, one parent quits the workforce or ends their education to be a primary caregiver for the children. When a divorce occurs, this can leave that individual vulnerable and unable to adequately meet their financial needs. There are several different factors to determining spousal maintenance. Spousal maintenance can be order if there has been domestic violence within the last 2 years, or while the suite is pending and or, the spouse is unable to meet reasonable minimum needs because of a physical or mental disability. Also considered are if the parties have been married for at least 10 years and the individual requesting spousal maintenance lacks the ability to earn sufficient income or is the custodian of a child of the marriage that requires substantial care do to a physical or mental disability.
When you need divorce and family law attorneys Frisco TX residents can count on Woods & Matlock, P.C. to work diligently to protect your interests.