Most attorneys in TX would agree that there are few circumstances that would justify a grandparent’s involvement in a custody battle. Grandparents cannot be required to pay alimony on behalf of a delinquent parent. They also cannot obtain custody of the children unless it can be proven that both parents are completely unfit to care for their grandchildren. Generally speaking, it is best for grandparents to remain impartial throughout child custody hearings. Focusing on offering support to struggling grandchildren is almost always better than taking sides.
At the same time, grandparents should be aware that there are warning signs indicating that legal involvement may be necessary. If the grandparent knows information that indicates one party may be a bad parent, then this information should be shared with the court. If it is clear that neither parent can provide proper care to the children, then the grandparent should hire a family lawyer and ask the court for full custody of the grandchildren.
There are also cases where grandparents and grandchildren have a strong bond but the custodial parent is unwilling to allow the grandparents to see their grandkids. In such instances, grandparents can ask the court for visitation rights.
Unfortunately, grandparents in Texas have fewer rights than grandparents in other states. It is not easy for Texas grandparents to obtain visitation rights or child custody; however, it can be done. Choosing family attorneys in TX who have experience mediating and winning child custody cases involving grandparent rights is ideal, which is why many grandparents turn to Woods & Matlock for legal help in this arena. We are an award winning firm with a track record of obtaining favorable mediation results and court verdicts for our clients and we offer personalized consultations and other services that help grandparents make wise legal decisions.