Broken family after a bitter divorce settlement and separation with a couple in a bad relationship breaking a house apart showing the concept of a marriage dispute and dividing assets with 3D illustration elements.
If you’re considering firms around North Texas, get a family lawyer for child custody Plano TX from the experienced team at Woods & Matlock. We are a local law firm completely dedicated to helping families make the transition from divorce and child custody situations to a fresh start.
Today, we’ll be opening part one of our exclusive six part blog post series on what it’s really like to go through a divorce and custody battle in Texas. You’ll get an inside look at the stages and gain a better understanding of the Texas Family Code while you join Catherine, a mother of two, make the transition from stay at home mom to an independent and thriving single parent. If you’re scared and looking for a path from divorce to life beyond it, following her story is a helpful way to begin your journey.
Catherine’s Story
“When Jared asked for a divorce, I didn’t know what to do, in a way it was something I wanted, too, but I was completely overwhelmed. Career? The kids? Everything felt upside down until I started taking each part of the process step by step with my lawyer.”
At age 41, Catherine’s life looked pretty complete to everyone on the outside, but behind closed doors, she and her husband had been fighting for years and things weren’t getting better. The idea of divorce kept popping into her mind but she denied it, thinking of the children and also unsure how to start life after divorce.
When he told her he wanted a divorce, having the decision made for her was both a relief and a huge point of stress. Her kids were 8 and 14, so they were becoming more independent, but she’d still been out of the workforce for more than ten years at the point she reached out to an attorney.
First Steps
Catherine met with family lawyer for child custody Plano TX, to get preliminary help because she felt overwhelmed. Some of us need a hand when the emotions of a divorce are surging and making it hard to do anything. Other people like to process their feelings a bit and do a little research before meeting with a lawyer, and both options are valid. In our next post, we’ll cover the starting advice Catherine took to keep the ball in her court starting at the beginning of the divorce.
No Divorce is Exactly Alike
Note: Everyone’s situation is different, from your marriage, lifestyle, and goals to your relationship with the kids. No case is exactly alike, so while using Catherine’s situation will give you pointers and insight on the legal process, only meeting with an attorney brings you true legal advice.
Each lawyer at Woods & Matlock brings more than forty years of experience and a caring approach to the table, meeting with a family lawyer for child custody Plano TX from our team is a free and risk-free way to get a personalized legal opinion on your options as a parent and spouse. Get help from an experienced family lawyer for child custody Plano, TX Call Woods & Matlock for a free brief phone consultation today at 972-972-8820.